Becoming a patient

The enrolment process

We are currently accepting new patients.

Our enrolment officer will then be in touch to discuss your eligibility. Please do not phone to check the status of your enrolment. We will contact you.

At this stage we will also request your notes from your previous practice if applicable. Please note no further appointments will be able to be made until we have received your medical notes from your previous practice (within New Zealand).

More information for patients here

To enrol click here

Why enrol?

Enrolment is easy, costs nothing and benefits you, your family and your community.

When you enrol, you pay less for visits to your regular doctor.

In addition to this, your doctor’s practice will help you take part in prevention programmes, such as cervical and breast screening, and it will send you immunisation reminders for your children.

The practice will help you to manage conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure and to address other health-related issues, such as smoking, to achieve a healthy lifestyle.