Psychiatry Consultations 

Dr Robert Wicomb (MBChB, MMed Psych, FC Psych)

Rob is a consultant psychiatrist who has more than 20 years of mental health experience.

His main area of focus is on acute mental health disorders:

·         Depression

·         Anxiety

·         Bipolar disorder

·         Psychosis

Comprehensive initial assessments include a 1 hour interview followed by 15 minutes for treatment planning.  Rob will then complete a report with a diagnostic formulation and a proposed management plan which your GP will follow up and manage.  In some cases he will provide up to a maximum of 3 follow-up sessions of 30 minutes each, in order to initiate treatment and monitor initial progress.

Dr Wicomb only sees patient face to face for initial appointments.

GP referrals are required.

Initial Consultation$750
Follow-up Consultation$250


To book an appointment


04920 0870
