Self-isolation involves following simple, common-sense steps to avoid close contact with other people. Doing so will help protect you, your family and all of New Zealand against coronavirus and other common infectious diseases. Coronavirus – who should self-isolate? If you have been in or transited through mainland China, Iran, northern Italy or the Republic of Korea, […]
Current situation New Zealand has eight confirmed cases of COVID-19. One of the eight cases was diagnosed in Australia. For a summary of the current status see our latest media release (15 March). With continued vigilance the chance of widespread community outbreak is expected to remain low. New border measures are in place as of Monday 16 March. Most […]
From 1 December 2019, Meningococcal ACWY vaccination is now funded for individuals aged 13–25 years in their first year of living in a boarding school hostel, tertiary education hall of residence, military barracks or prison. There is also a funded catch-up programme until the 30 November 2020 for those aged 13–25 years who are already in one […]
Closed Waitangi Day
Please be aware we will be closed on Waitangi Day. If you need urgent medical attention please while we are closed please visit Lower Hutt After Hours. If it’s an EMERGENCY and you or someone else needs IMMEDIATE medical attention, then ring 111 straight away. Lower Hutt After Hours 04 567 5345 Lower Hutt After […]
FREE B4 School Check
If your child is 4 years old, they are entitled to a FREE B4 School Check with a Nurse, including a hearing and vision screen. The B4 School Check is a nationwide programme which aims to identify and address any health, behavioural, social, or developmental concerns which could affect a child’s ability to get the most benefit […]
Our new building

Our journey to finding a new home began in 2017. Early on in the search we joined forces with Medispace who specialise in the design and construction of medical facilities. Their ethos is to design from the inside out. The floor plan should direct the shape of the building not the other way round. After […]