Ring our reception team on (04) 920 0800 to make an appointment. Appointments are available from 8am Monday to Friday, 9am Saturday, and 9am on Sunday.
Our number is answered 7am-10pm Monday to Friday, 8am-6pm Saturday, and 8.30am-6pm on Sunday. Should you require medical advice outside of these hours, please call Healthline on 0800 611 116.

Register with Manage My Health next time you visit us, and you’ll be able to book appointments online in the future. Go to our MMH page for more information.
If you’re acutely unwell after hours
Lower Hutt After Hours
If you require medical attention after 10pm Mon-Fri, or after 6pm Sat-Sun, please go to Lower Hutt After Hours Medical Centre at 729 High St, ph 567 5345.
If it’s an EMERGENCY and you or someone else needs IMMEDIATE medical attention, then ring 111 straight away.
What to do if you’re acutely unwell
If you are very unwell and you need to see a doctor quickly, call us on (04) 920 0800. Please tell us about your medical condition so we can arrange for you to be assessed as soon as possible.
If the receptionist is unable to offer you an acute appointment you may be put through to the nurse who will assess the situation.
Cancelling appointments
Please let us know as early as possible if you are not able to keep an appointment so we may offer it to someone else.
If you change your mind about keeping your appointment and fail to let us know, or cancel within an hour of your appointment time, then we will charge you for the appointment.
How much time to book for appointments
Most appointments take around fifteen minutes. Our policy is 1 person per appointment.
Some appointments take longer than others and if you need minor surgery, a full medical then you’ll need to book a half-hour session. Please check our fee schedule for details.
You may also want to book extra time if you have several medical issues to deal with.