
Ropata is earthquake safe

Ropata’s resilient seismic solution With the recent shaking we have been feeling, it is comforting to know that our staff and patients are safe within our new building. The building is built in 5 pods that can each move independently in the event of an earthquake. The RSJ resilient slip joints were designed by Tectonus, […]


Flu vaccine update

We are still working through our list of high risk patients for flu vaccinations. Due to supply issues, we are only able to order small amounts of vaccines at once, meaning the process is slower than we anticipated. We will update our website and facebook pages when flu vaccines will be available to the rest […]


We are open for business

The Level 4 COVID-19 Lockdown has meant we have had to change the way we interact with our patients to ensure we are keeping everyone as safe as possible. While social distancing is a necessity, it’s still important that our patients know they can contact us when they need medical advice.  We want to assure […]


Specialist centre closed

Due to current circumstances, the specialist centre is currently closed. This will be reassessed at the end of the 4 week lockdown.


Fight germs. Wash your hands!

This short video from the Center for Disease Control shows you how to wash your hands properly and how proper handwashing can get rid of germs and chemicals that get on our hands every day. To help keep yourself and others from getting sick, wash your hands with clean warm water and soap and then dry […]


Meet Adrian Tucker, ‘superstar’ winner of primary healthcare’s top accolade

Ropata Medical Centre practice manager Adrian Tucker took out the supreme award in the NZ Primary Healthcare Awards | He Tohu Mauri Ora. A focus on relationships and kindness has rained success down on Adrian Tucker as the “superstar” winner of the supreme award in the inaugural New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards. Named practice/business manager […]