Community Notice

Closed Waitangi Day

Please be aware we will be closed on Waitangi Day.

If you need urgent medical attention please while we are closed please visit Lower Hutt After Hours.

If it’s an EMERGENCY and you or someone else needs IMMEDIATE medical attention, then ring 111 straight away.

Lower Hutt After Hours

04 567 5345

Lower Hutt After Hours Medical Centre was established in 1991 by the Hutt Valley GPs. They are a combined after-hours service, created to provide a facility for patients to see a GP outside of regular clinic hours.

Lower Hutt After Hours operate on a ‘no appointment necessary’ walk-in clinic. Patients are seen in order of priority.

All after hours consultations are free for 0 – 14 years olds.


Weekdays: 5.30pm – 11.00pm

Weekends: 8.00am – 11.00pm

Public Holidays: 8.00am – 11.00pm